Semantic Data Modeling (first edition and second print)
J.H. ter Bekke
About the Book
The book explains the fundamental concepts and general principles of
data modeling, with practical cases to illustrate the theory where appropriate.
Recent developments in the database area have been included.
The book is organized in four main parts:
Relational systems have become widely accepted the last few years.
However, many pitfalls have also been discovered in the relational theory.
This book presents an in-depth analysis of the problems and offers
a deeper understanding. By putting emphasis on the semantic structure of
a database, reliable solutions are created for both data modeling and
data manipulation problems. The theory is based on both theoretical
and practical research. It is illustrated with many examples and exercises.
Semantic Data Modeling offers a sound basis for an education in modern
data modeling techniques.
Publication Data
Publisher: Prentice Hall International
Year: 1992
ISBN: 0-13-806050-9
Out of print
Publisher: TU Delft, Faculty ITS, Delft, The Netherlands
Year: 2001